
The 20 million year-old fossilized tree

Hi! For today I have prepared a fresh discovery from the Greek island in the northeastern Aegean Sea – Lesbos . I hope that this post and pictures of beautiful Greece will make you feel like on holidays 🌴 Petrified Forest in Lesvos, Greece Let me start by saying that one of the most interesting tourist attractions on Lesbos is the Petrified Forest . It is an area of 150 km2 with the remains of a subtropical forest that was razed to the ground by a volcanic eruption about 20 million years ago πŸŒ‹ . The subtropical forest ecosystem of the island was then flooded with lava and, due to heavy rainfall in the days following the eruption, the ash turned into mud with some ejection material. All this meant that the entire ecosystem was well preserved. Petrified Forest in Lesvos, Greece After a long introduction, I can finally get to the point, i.e. the latest excavation. So, scientists working in the Petrified Park have recently dug a fossilized tree that is 19m long! It is the first such w...

The remains of the largest creature on the Earth excavated in Argentina

Hi! πŸ˜‰I hope that there are some fans of Jurassic Park among my readers, because if there are, then today’s post is just right for them! 🐊As for me, to be honest, I've never been interested in dinosaurs as a kid, but I must admit that the older I am, the more these extinct animals impress me . So let’s not prolong this introduction and move on to the concretes! The latest news from Argentina :  a group of palaeontologists discovered the remains of an unknown dinosaur which could have been gigantic !  Palaeontologists during excavation work / A.OTERO & J.L.CARBALLIDO Although the remains of this nameless dinosaur were first discovered in 2012 in the province of NeuquΓ©n in northwest Patagonia, the entire skeleton has still not been fully excavated . Nevertheless, the bones that have been dug up so far ( the 24 vertebrae of the tail and elements of the pelvic and pectoral girdle ) suggest that the ancient giant was a titanosaur (a long-necked and herbivorous dinosaur). What...

The world's oldest cave painting

Hello guys! πŸ‘‹  Today’s post is to give you a glimmer of hope that 2021 can be a really good year (certainly better than 2020 πŸ˜›). It’s only mid-January and the world media has spread the news that archeologists discovered the oldest cave art ever found by people!  πŸŽ¨ A few days ago, an Australian-Indonesian team of archaeologists shared with the world their discovery of the earliest dated rock art ever discovered! A scene painted in a cave in South Sulawesi (an Indonesian island in the Pacific Ocean) depicts three warty pigs , but only one image has remained undamaged. This discovery is all the more astonishing because the place where the paintings were discovered is virtually inaccessible to humans for most of the year ! A trip to the Leang Tedongnge cave is possible only during the dry season because in the remaining months the entire bottom of a small valley is under water. What is even more impressive, local people say that there had never been a white man in this pla...

The mystery of miniature mummies

Hi! πŸ‘‹As the weather has been really foul lately, I have prepared for you an archaeological discovery straight from hot Egypt ! So, there is nothing left to do but use our imagination: when reading, think of that hot sun that is now shining above the pyramids!🌞 The discovery that I want to tell you about took place relatively recently although it could have happened long before. You are probably wondering what I mean so let me explain πŸ˜‡ Namely, the collectors from the National Maritime Museum in Haifa ( Israel ) have kept two miniature sarcophagi for over 50 years without knowing what was inside ❕ I really don't understand how such valuable exhibits were so neglected for half a century… Until now, it was only known that the sarcophagi were over 2,000 years old and that inside them were probably human hearts. Finally (better late than never), at the end of 2020, some museum employees found mummies while carrying out an inventory and it was at last decided to investigate them. Ta...

The medieval Chinese coin discovered in England

Hello everyone in 2021 ! 😊I hope you are doing well and are ready for new archaeological curiosities! Today I’d like to finally leave 2020 behind and share with you a fresh discovery from the beginning of this yearπŸŽ‰ Just in early January, an English detectorist made a surprising discovery: he found an ancient Chinese coin on the territory of Hampshire . After careful examination of this 25mm copper alloy coin, archaeologists concluded that it dates back from the Northern Song Dynasty , that means from the early 11th century. Interestingly, this is not the first Chinese coin found in England. The first one was found in Cheshire in 2018, but according to archaeologists that one comes from a bit later period of the Chinese Empire. This discovery could be truly surprising given that the scientific evidence indicates that Chinese travelers didn’t reach Europe until the 13th / 14th century . However, as Dr. Caitlin Green (archaeologist, historian, author of many books and articles on Late ...

Can human hibernate?

Hello everyone! πŸ˜‰  I hope you have rested well during the Holidays and you are ready for a new dose of news from the world of archaeology . Since this is the last post this extraordinary year, I’d like to share with you a discovery straight out of a science fiction movie! πŸ“½ In the Atapuerca Mountains in Spain there is a cave called Sima de los Huesos (which means “Pit of the Bones”). As you can easily guess from the name, it is famous because of human fossils that were found there in the 1970s and 1980s. Archaeologists have determined that the remains are approximately 430,000 years old , which means that they come from the Middle Pleistocene. skull fragments, Sima de los Huesos / JAVIER TRUEBA, MADRID SCIENTIFIC FILMS Although the research conducted on remains is very interesting, I’d like to focus on a discovery that is perhaps less archaeological and more biological as it concerns the capacity of the human organism. In December this year two paleoanthropologists, Anto...

The tomb of Saint Nicholas

Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹ Or, I should rather say, Ho Ho Ho ! πŸŽ…   As this is the last post before Christmas I would like to pick up on this holiday at least a bit. For a long time I didn’t know what to write about until I came across news from 3 years ago (how time flies!) about a tomb of Saint Nicholas ! Therefore, let me briefly tell you about this discovery…  Some of you may be now wondering what Saint Nicholas, the fourth-century Turkish bishop born in Myra, has to do with a bearded, cheerful, portly man in red who delivers gifts to children at the end of every December. In a nutshell: the modern fairy-tale character of Santa Claus is based on the Saint of Myra . If you want to read more about this “transformation”, I recommend this article .  Despite the enormous fame that the Saint of Myra enjoys today, his burial place has long been a puzzle for researchers . Until 2017 it was believed that the alleged body of the bishop was stolen from the church in Myra in 1087 and s...