
Showing posts from January 10, 2021

The mystery of miniature mummies

Hi! 👋As the weather has been really foul lately, I have prepared for you an archaeological discovery straight from hot Egypt ! So, there is nothing left to do but use our imagination: when reading, think of that hot sun that is now shining above the pyramids!🌞 The discovery that I want to tell you about took place relatively recently although it could have happened long before. You are probably wondering what I mean so let me explain 😇 Namely, the collectors from the National Maritime Museum in Haifa ( Israel ) have kept two miniature sarcophagi for over 50 years without knowing what was inside ❕ I really don't understand how such valuable exhibits were so neglected for half a century… Until now, it was only known that the sarcophagi were over 2,000 years old and that inside them were probably human hearts. Finally (better late than never), at the end of 2020, some museum employees found mummies while carrying out an inventory and it was at last decided to investigate them. Ta